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Input and Output

Python output

print() function: The most fundamental way to display output on the console. It accepts one or more arguments (variables, strings, etc.) and adds a newline by default. Printing Multiple Outputs in a Single Line: Comma-Separated Arguments: Separate elements with commas (,) in the print() function to display them on the same line with a space in between.
Printing Multiple Outputs in a Single Line print name = "Bob" age = 25 city = "New York" print(name, age, city)


Bob 25 New York
end Parameter in print(): By default, print() inserts a newline after each argument. Set the end parameter to an empty string ("") to suppress the newline and keep printing on the same line.
Printing value on output by giving parameter at end subject = "Mathematics" score = 90 print("Your", subject, "score is:", score)


Your Mathematics score is: 90
String Concatenation: Concatenate strings and variables using the + operator before printing to create a single output.
Concatenate strings and variables inside print function product = "Laptop" price = 799.99 print("The " + product + " costs $" + str(price))


The Laptop costs $799.99
Direct Printing with variables
printing value directly within the print() function radius = 5 area = 3.14159 * radius**2 print("The area of the circle is:", area)


The area of the circle is: 78.53975
Escape Sequences Escape sequences are special character combinations in Python strings that represent control characters or special actions. Here are some common examples: \n: Newline (inserts a new line break) \t: Horizontal tab (creates a tab space) \\: Backslash (prints a backslash character) \": Double quote character (prints a double quote) \': Single quote character (prints a single quote)
Python escape sequence in printing output print("Welcome to\nThis is python course.") print("Welcome\tto our program!") print("10\\5=2") print("This is a \"Hello, world!\" program") print('Always don\'t waste your time, it\'s precious!')


Welcome to This is python course. Welcome to our program! 10\5=2 This is a "Hello, world!" program Always don't waste your time, it's precious!
Formatted String Literals (f-strings): Introduced in Python 3.6, f-strings offer a concise and readable way to embed expressions directly within strings.
python output printing using formatted string literals price = 19.99 discount = 0.10 final_price = price * (1 - discount) print(f"The final price after a {discount*100}% discount is ${final_price:.2f}.")


The final price after a 10.0% discount is $17.99.
Using variables directly in print using f-strings name = "Sathish" age = 25 print("Hello,", name, "!") print(f"You are {age} years old.")


Hello, Sathish ! You are 25 years old.
f-strings for Calculations: Utilize f-strings to embed calculations and variables seamlessly within the output.
calculation in print statement in f-strings length = 10 width = 6 print(f"The perimeter of the rectangle is {2 * (length + width)}.")


The perimeter of the rectangle is 32.
str.format() method: A versatile method for string formatting, especially useful when dealing with more complex formatting requirements.
python output using str.format() method example course_name = "Python programming" resource = "" print("Learn {} easily from {}! \n Practice code using online {} compiler".format(course_name, resource, "Python"))


Learn Python programming easily from! Practice code using online Python compiler
Older Formatting (% operator): While less common nowadays, the % operator can still be used for formatting, but it's generally considered less readable than f-strings or str.format().
Python output formatting using % operator basic example quantity = 10 item_price = 5.00 total_cost = quantity * item_price print("Total cost: $%.2f" % total_cost)


Total cost: $50.00


★python ★ Input ★ ouptut
